Thursday, May 29, 2008

We had a visitor today

The Goodyear Blimp is in town for this weekend's air races on the Detroit River. Today it was spotted over our neighborhood at around 12:30 PM and I just happened to have my camera handy.

Deck and Stamped Concrete Maintenance

I have updated this web page which has information regarding responsibilities for maintaining your deck and stamped concrete, plus information about the types of products available that will match their original, common appearances.

A link to that web page is located in the "Useful Links" section at right and will always take you to the latest version of that page.

On a related note, I have gathered information regarding the exterior paint colors that were originally used on all exterior wood trim and front entrance doors. While the Association is responsible for maintaining the exterior paint on our units, there may be circumstances where a co-owner wishes to touch up nicks or scratches or needs to paint something they have received approval to add or modify. Contact me and I can provide the information you will need to match the existing paint colors.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mulching, edging, etc.

Ryan Dorner (Kramer-Triad) informs me that United will be working here at the Manors during the week of June 16th to perform the much-needed bed edging and mulching, plus the planned replacement of deciduous trees (mentioned in a previous post) as well as planting of annuals and other work.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sprinkler system operating days & times

Updated May 21st at 6:45 P.M.
Updated information is shown in italics and strikethroughs.

All of the sprinkler system controllers are now up and running and almost all of the stations zones are now functional. Most of the non-functional zones have been shut off until broken spray heads can be replaced (a service order has been submitted).

I have a key to all of the controller boxes (except for the one which controls the zones for the units on Central Park North, which uses a different key that I am still waiting for). so I can make adjustments to the station zone settings as needed. If you notice a broken head gushing water, call me and I will disable the affected station zone and submit the service request to Kramer-Triad. If I am not home, please leave a message and I will get to it as soon as possible.

The controllers have been re-programmed to water on Tuesdays through Sundays. The controllers will begin watering at around 4:00 A.M. on those mornings. There will be no watering on Mondays (to facilitate the landscaping service).

A Sprinkler System Settings link has been added to the "Useful Links" section on the right where you can look up detailed information about each controller's stations (zones) and watering times. So far, I have only documented Controller Nos. 6 & 8, but I will be adding the others in the days to come.

The controller boxes are each equipped with their own rain sensor, which will cancel a watering program that is
a) already in progress (shortly after it detects the start of rain)
b) about to start, if the sensor detects that it is raining or if it has not dried out yet from a very recent rain.

After the sensor had dried out, the sprinkler controller will automatically initiate the next regularly scheduled watering program. Therefore, if you do not see the sprinklers running at their regular day and time, it's most likely because the program has been canceled by the rain sensor.

When the weather gets warmer and drier, I will add a second watering program in the afternoon. This cycle will probably start around 4:00 P.M. and run only on Tuesdays through Fridays. I will post the details here when I add the second program.

Monday is our new day for lawn service

I just learned this morning that for the 2008 season, United will be cutting and edging our lawns on Mondays (the previous two years it had been done on Fridays).

Monday, May 12, 2008

Names and addresses

Thank you for all of the positive feedback I've received so far about this blog. One suggestion I received was a request to add a list containing the names and addresses of all co-owners.

Rather than compile and maintain such a list on my own, I have added some "Useful Links" to the public information that is available through the Shelby Twp. Assessing office's Property & Land Search database. This information is updated within days after a property sale, so it is always current. Click on one of the "Co-owners on ...." links and it will give you a list of all the properties on that street, along with the names of each co-owner. Note that the list is spread across multiple pages - you can either click on the page numbers at lower right to navigate the complete list or click on the "Printer friendly version" link at upper right to see (and print) the entire list for that street. The properties are listed in street address order and if you click on the Parcel Number link for a property, it will open up the complete record for that parcel, which includes the assessment and sales data.

I have also added a link to ZabaSearch, which is a free people/public information search engine. By entering a first and/or last name, plus the state, this search engine will return all publicly-available information for that name, including phone numbers (if available). The information returned by ZabaSearch is not as current as the Shelby Twp. assessing data, since it can take 18 to 24 months for a new address to show up in their results.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Status - Site Plan Modification #02-55, Manors at CP

The Shelby Twp. Planning Commission held a public hearing on Feb. 27, 2008 regarding Site Plan #02-55 (PUD-1) The Manors at Central Park; Site Plan Modification. The petitioner, Lombardo Homes, was requesting a modification to the site plan to permit two-story detached condo units on Lots 1-15 of the Manors at Central Park instead of the previously-approved one-story detached condo units.

After hearing from the petitioner about his proposal and then from the many residents of Central Park who spoke in opposition to it, the Planning Commission tabled the request. The Shelby Twp. Planning Director told us there would have to be a study session with the petitioner and Commission before the matter could come back to the Commission and that a representative from each of the four Associations in Central Park would be invited to attend the study session. The ball remains in Mr. Lombardo's court and so far, he has made no attempt to request such a study session.

Lawn repairs and tree replacements

United Lawnscape has been hired to fill and repair numerous low spots in lawns throughout the site after our sprinkler zones are up and running. These low spots have been marked with white spray paint. United will avoid mowing these repaired areas for a few weeks until the grass has been established. They will then resume regular mowing of these spots. Your understanding and patience are appreciated.

There are additional low spots near front yard water shut-off flanges that are above grade. These flanges will have to be reset so they will be flush with the finished grade. The surrounding low spots and lawn will then be repaired after this work is completed. Depending on favorable cost estimates, we hope to have this work completed by fall.

We have also contracted with United to remove and replace (6) dead deciduous trees that are scattered throughout the site. This should also happen shortly after our sprinkler system is functional.

We will also be contracting with United to plant numerous evergreen trees on the berms in the northwest quadrant of the site to replace dead and missing trees. This work will be scheduled for later this summer to insure that we receive a full warranty and that the sprinkler zones on the berms are functional after the switch-over to our new well. This work will cause additional lawn damage in that area, so we are deferring any repairs to existing lawn damage in that area until after the evergreens are planted. We trust that you will understand that this work is being deferred so that it can be done with the minimum costs to the Association while providing the best warranty protection we can get.

Sprinkler System Start-up

The water meters for the sprinkler system zones were installed on April 25th. H2O Irrigation Inc. began work the following week to test each zone and make necessary repairs to broken heads. During this process, Shelby Township inspectors red-tagged two of the meters and stopped all work until we made changes to the valve arrangements on our side of those two meters. Those changes were made on May 8th and H2O is scheduled to return on May 12th and 13th to complete the start-up work.

Due to the insistence of the Shelby Twp. water department that we revise valving that had already passed their inspection in 2004, we have incurred additional work and expenses that have delayed the system start-up by more than a week. The sprinkler systems should be functional by May 14, 2008.

A well has been drilled at the base of the berm near the intersection of Regent and Lexington North. Once completed, this will be used to supply irrigation water for the grass and trees on the berm in the northwest quadrant of the site. This will result in a significant savings on our municipal water billings.

2008 Lawn & Landscaping Maintenance Contract

In early April, United Lawnscape was awarded a competitively-bid contract to perform the following services for 2008:
  • Spring and Fall clean-up
  • Mowing, trimming and edging turf areas
  • Bed weeding and edging
  • Ornamental shrub trimming
  • Turf fertilization
At an April 21st meeting we had with the United account manager, it was pointed out that they made the first fertilizer application on April 17th, which was then followed by the Spring clean-up on the 18th and 19th. He admitted that the fertilization should have occured after the clean-up and that they would give us an additional fertilization.

At that meeting we also discussed the fact that they had already cut out and replaced most of the lawn sections that had been damaged over the winter under their snow removal contract. We pointed out that we still had not received our water meters back from the Township and therefore our sprinkler systems would not be operational for at least another two weeks. We also gave them a list of ten sprinkler heads that had been damaged by their plows. Under their snow contract, we are allowed to hold back a portion of their payment until all repairs are made to our satisfaction. The United account manager said that they would repair the sprinkler heads and then replace any lawn sections that failed to thrive.

We are in the process of getting cost estimates for a work order to apply new mulch to the beds throughout the site. This work is not part of United's 2008 contract and will be handled separately. When the work order is approved, I will let everyone know in a separate post here what the estimated start date is so that you can remove any planters, landscape lighting, etc. that might be in the way.