At their Dec. 15, 2009 meeting, the Shelby Twp. Board of Trustees voted to raise the existing water and sewer rates by 9%, effective January 1, 2010. Details can be viewed by
clicking here and scrolling down to pages 118 through 125 of their meeting agenda back-up documents.
This news comes after your Association Board of Directors have already prepared and adopted the 2010 Budget, which holds the monthly Association dues to $175. The upcoming budget will be very tight and this will only make it tighter. Unless we have a very cool, wet summer, our typical watering schedule will have to be scaled back to prevent an overrun of our water/sewer line item budget, which was based on the cost of water at the prior rate.
A copy of the 2010 budget will be mailed to you in advance of our
Annual Meeting on Jan. 20, 2010, during which we will have considerable discussion about the budget.
Pardon this little bit of political punditry, but our local school districts and municipalities have been rightly complaining about how the Michigan Legislature's inability to finalize their budget prior to the start of the state's new fiscal year causes them severe budgetary uncertainties. Yet by passing the last of the revenue rates just two weeks prior to the start of their own budget year, the Shelby Twp. Board of Trustees demonstrate the same lack of consideration towards those farther down the budget planning timeline.