Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Shelby Twp. Board Meeting of Feb. 7, 2012

An example of "Alligatoring" in
our base layer of asphalt.
The president and treasurer of the Manors Board of Directors addressed the Shelby Twp. Board of Trustees at their meeting of Feb. 7, 2012 on the issue of the final asphalt paving of the roadways at the Manors.

They spoke under the "Business From The Floor" agenda item shortly after 11:00 p.m., which was about four hours after the meeting started.   Video replays of the Feb. 7th Shelby Board meeting will be shown on Comcast channels 5 and 915 over the next week or so and it can also be viewed by going to the Shelby TV web site.

Since speakers under that agenda item are subject to a five minute time limit,  the Trustees were handed a letter with full details and the Manors Board president gave a five-minute oral synopsis of the letter and asked for answers to the questions that are also listed at the end of the letter.  None of those questions were answered by any of the Trustees, nor did they comment or ask any questions of the Manors Board president during his presentation.  However the Township Attorney did offer his opinion about what happened with the letter of credit.

The Manors Board treasurer then spoke extemporaneously to the Trustees and pointed out their lack of response to our prior communications and asked for the courtesy of a response to the letter we just presented to the Board of Trustees.   The Township Attorney responded that some sort of a response would be given within the next 30 days.

UPDATE, March 11, 2012: 30 days have come and gone without the promised response from the Township Attorney.  Also, we have not received any communications from members of the Board of Trustees, to whom we had addressed our letter.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

An "attaboy!" for the Manors Blog

I just came across the following posting that appeared a year ago on a Macomb County real estate blog.  Thanks Kris!

Condo association blogs? Wish they would all do this! 
January 3rd, 2011 · No Comments · Condos in Macomb County MI, tips for home buyers

This morning as I was researching a condo for sale in The Manors at Central Park in Shelby Township I found a nice surprise: A blog written and updated regularly by Mike Grobbel who is a co-owner / member of the board of directors. I have to tell you, I am thrilled with the information on the blog and the helpful links to updated association documents as well as the handy list of co-owners who are service providers (plumbers, painters, etc.)................ Thank you Mr. Grobbel for providing this informative blog to your co-owners at The Manors at Central Park as well as us real estate agents who want to provide as much information as we can to prospective buyers!

~Kris Wales~ A partner for your real estate needs in Macomb County MI Search Macomb County MI homes for sale

Click here to read her entire post.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Manors Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 01/25/2012

Approved Minutes of the 25 January 2012
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Manors at Central Park Condominium Association

1.      This is the first Board of Directors meeting, with all Board members being co-owners of the Association.
2.      Meeting was held at the residence of Mike Grobbel, 49997 Lexington Ave. East, Shelby Township, MI 48317.
3.      Meeting began at 7:00 PM EST; Quorum was established with three newly elected Board Members being present.  Board Members present: Bhartan Amin, Larry Cybulski, and Mike Grobbel
4.      Approved the agenda for this meeting.
5.      The Board officers for 2012 are: 
a.       President – Mike Grobbel,
b.      Treasurer – Larry Cybulski,
c.       Secretary – Bhartan Amin
6.      There was no prior Board meeting minutes to approve.  The approval of the annual meeting minutes of 18 January 2012 was tabled until the annual meeting in January 2013.
7.      President Grobbel provided a brief history of the Manors at Central Park Condominium Association.
a.       History of the Association.
b.      Blog
c.       Newly placed signs on the access road to units 1 – 22.  Non residents were using the access road to pick-up and drop-off their children at the school bus stop, blocking the residents’ driveways.
d.      A copy of lease required for the rental units.
8.      2012 budget was explained with comparison with the past few years.
9.      A request from co-owner to waive “Late Fees” in association with Consent Judgment of Foreclosure of Lien, Macomb County Circuit Court Case # 11-####-xx was DENIED.
10.  Open discussion
a.       President Grobbel explained that Manors is paying $190/year per unit to the Master Association.
b.      President Grobbel is going to make a brief presentation before the Shelby Township’s Board of Trustees on the issue of the final asphalt paving of the roadways at the Manors, on Tuesday, 7 February 2012.
11.  There was no new business to discuss.
12.  The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for 22 February 2012, at 7:00 PM EST, at the residence of the Board President, Mike Grobbel, 49997 Lexington Ave East.
13.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM EST.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Jan. 18, 2012

Click here to read the unapproved minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting.