Monday, September 30, 2013

WOW! update

Earlier today, on behalf of the Board of Directors, president Mike Grobbel signed "Right of Entry" and "Grant of Easement" documents giving WOW! the right to come onto our property and use the easement given them to install their coax cables and pedestals.

By the end of this week, similar documents will have been signed by all of the other Board presidents within Central Park, opening the way for WOW! to begin the design and installation of the infrastructure necessary to bring their broadband Cable TV, Internet and phone services to the residents of the Manors and all of Central Park.

Assuming the remaining documents are signed this week, design will begin the following week and construction will begin before the end of October 2013.  Based on this timetable, WOW! services should be available to all Manors and Central Park residents no later than the end of this year.

Minutes of Sept. 27, 2013 Board Meeting


Minutes of the 27 September 2013
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Manors at Central Park Condominium Association

1.       Meeting was held at the offices of Kramer-Triad Management Group, L.L.C.,
      320 East Big Beaver Road, Ste 190, Troy, MI 48083.
2.       Meeting began at 9:45 AM EDT; Quorum was established with all three Board Members being present.  Board Members present: President Mike Grobbel, Treasurer Larry Cybulski, and Secretary Bhartan Amin.  Also present: Ryan Dorner (Kramer-Triad property management).
3.       The Board approved the agenda for this meeting.
4.       The Board approved the meeting minutes of the Meeting of 15 March 2013.
5.       New Business:
a.       Management Report – Ryan Dorner
                                                   i.      Ryan reviewed the items in the Management report with the Board.
                                                 ii.      Ryan updated the Board on Central Park Master Association Board discussions at their meeting of 26 September 2013:
1.       There was a discussion about granting an easement along North Central Park to allow WOW! Cable to service the Manors and the other three sub-associations in Central Park.  Master Board indicated their intention to sign the documents granting the easement.
2.       Should volunteers or a contractor install holiday decorations at both entrances to Central Park?  If they get volunteers, they can put up more decorations.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Door to Door Solitication

Shelby Township has a "No Soliciting" ordinance which allows every resident the opportunity to put their address on a "No Soliciting" list that restricts most solicitors from knocking on your door.  

As mentioned in the April 2013 Newsletter, rather than each co-owner having to put their address on that list, the Board of Directors decided to have all of our addresses placed on that list.  The Shelby Twp. Clerk's office allows us to do it this way, providing we first inform all co-owners that they have the opportunity to opt-out, which we did in the newsletter.  

The Board received no opt-out requests, therefore as of Sept. 5, 2013,  all addresses in the Manors at Central Park have been placed on the Shelby Twp. “No Soliciting” list.  If you wish to have your address removed from the list, you may do so at any time by submitting your request in writing and mailing it to the Shelby Twp. Clerk's Office at 52700 Van Dyke Ave., Shelby Township, MI 48316.

The Board received 118 "No Soliciting per Shelby Twp. Ordinance 246" stickers from the Township Clerk, which will soon be distributed to each residence in the Manors. The use of the sticker is optional because you are already covered by having your address on the list. However, there is "strength in numbers" and the Board recommends that everyone place their sticker in a visible location at the front door, preferably on the side glass near the door bell (not on the painted door surface).

Please note that the "No Knock" Ordinance 246 does not apply to the following types of solicitors:

  • out-of-state vendors
  • scout troops
  • religious groups
  • charitable organizations and political groups protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Upcoming asphalt maintenance work

DCAM, Inc. has recently been contracted by the Manors Condo Association’s Board of Directors to perform asphalt maintenance work on our roadways.  This work will be performed in three separate stages over the next three weeks.

Stage 1:  On Monday, Sept. 16, 2013, DCAM will be performing pothole patching using a compacting roller machine and hot mix asphalt to repair several areas where the original top layer of asphalt has deteriorated.  These locations are scattered along the private access drive in front of 6915-7011 North Central Park and also in the roadway in front of 6958-6980 Lexington South.   

Parking will not be allowed on these affected roadways beginning at 7:00 AM on Sept. 16th until after the repair work is completed. Traffic on these affected roadways will be blocked during the short period while the work is being performed since the workers will have the affected roadway blocked with their equipment.  The patches will be able to be driven on as soon as the crew leaves.

The Board of Directors recommends that residents of these affected units park their vehicle(s) out on North Central Park and to the west on Lexington South if they will need to use their car on the 16th  after 7:00 AM and prior to the completion of the repairs.  No parking is allowed on West Broadway between North Central Park and Lexington South. DCAM says that they will likely start this work early in the morning of the 16th but they cannot promise a start time.  In the case of a threat of rain, this work will be postponed and the Manors Blog will provide an update on when work will be rescheduled.

Stage 2: On Friday, Sept. 27, 2013 (weather permitting), DCAM will be on-site to clean and fill cracks in all of our roads and access drives with a hot rubberized tar.  No parking is allowed on any street or access drive that day, beginning at 7:00 AM and expiring after the work crew has passed by. Each roadway will be closed to traffic during the short period that the roadway will be blocked by the workers and their equipment.  Please avoid driving over the freshly-applied tar strips for the first half-hour or so to avoid any damage to your vehicle and/or the tar strips. In the case of a threat of rain, this work will be postponed and the Manors Blog will provide an update on when work will be rescheduled.

Stage 3: On Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013 (weather permitting), DCAM will be on-site to apply seal coat material to the private access drives in front of 6915-7355 North Central Park (Units 1-22), the Walter Ct. stub street and also in the roadway in front of 6958-6980 Lexington South (Units 166-167).   Parking and vehicular traffic will not be allowed on these affected roadways beginning at 7:00 AM Oct 3rd and ending at 7:00 AM Oct. 4th.  You must park your vehicle(s) out on North Central Park and to the west on Lexington South prior to 7:00 AM on Oct. 3rd or risk the possibility that it will be trapped in your garage or driveway for most of the day and evening. No parking is allowed on West Broadway between North Central Park and Lexington South.  In the case of a threat of rain, this work will be postponed and the Manors Blog will provide an update on when work will be rescheduled.

This work is the final phase of the asphalt paving project and is being funded from the Special Assessment that was levied in 2012. Your cooperation is appreciated.


The Board of Directors of the Manors at Central Park Condo Association