Saturday, April 26, 2014

Minutes of the 1/15/2014 Annual Meeting

Click here to read the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Co-owners that was held on Jan. 15, 2014.

Election results from that meeting: Bhartan Amin, Larry Cybulski and Mike Grobbel were re-elected to serve as the Board of Directors for 2014.

Minutes of the 1/10/2014 BoD meeting

Click here to read the approved minutes of the Jan. 10, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors.

Friday, April 11, 2014

WOW infrastructure installation plan

WOW's installation contractor will be installing their underground infrastructure in four phases that correspond to the four sub-associations in Central Park.

MISSDIG is on-site today in the Manors to mark all of the existing underground utilities.  As soon as that is complete, the contractor will begin underground work within the Manors.  When the work in the Manors is nearly complete in a week or two, MISSDIG will begin marking the utilities in the Meadows and then the contractor will shift their underground work to that sub.  The same pattern will follow for the underground work in the Gardens and Kensington sub-associations.

Click here to read more about the WOW's Central Park infrastructure installation project.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Annual Membership Meeting of the CP Master Association

You should have received a letter in today's mail informing you of the upcoming annual membership meeting of the Central Park Master Association.  It will be held on Friday, May 2, 2014 at the Shelby Twp. Municipal Building in the Board Room. 

Our New Association Manager at Kramer-Triad

Ryan Dorner has resigned his position at Kramer-Triad where he had been our Association Manager for many years.  Our new Association Manager is Marty Tessmar and Ryan has been working with Marty so that there will be a smooth transition.

The Board thanks Ryan for his years of service to our community and wishes him well in his new endeavors.

Installation of WOW Internet, Cable & phone infrastructure

Brian Sommers of WOW Internet, Cable & Phone met with board members from Central Park yesterday morning to walk us through their construction plans.

Click here to read an outline summary of the information they provided.