Monday, August 29, 2016

Alteration/Modification Request procedure

At their Aug. 25, 2016 meeting, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the following policy for processing Alteration/Modification Requests [this post has been updated to reflect the July 1, 2017 change to O'Brien Association Management].

(A) Prepare and submit your Modification Request by clicking this link and filling out the "Modification Form" that opens at that link.  This form can also be accessed by using the "Modification Form" link at the top of the O'Brien Association Management web site.

(B) all Requests must be filled out completely by the co-owner and any required sketches must also be attached.   

(C) O'Brien Association Management will then
        a. verify that the Request is complete, including sketch (if required)
        b. enter the completed Request into their system 
        c. e-mail copies of the Request to the members of the Board for their review and approval. 

(D) the Board will only review and approve completed Alteration/Modification Requests that are received from O'Brien Association Management.

(E) the Board’s decision will be e-mailed to O'Brien Association Management, who will in turn notify the co-owner and update their unit’s records.

Once the Request has been received by O'Brien Association Management, steps (C), (D) and (E) are typically completed within a couple of days.

Board meeting minutes

The minutes of the Aug. 25, 2016 Board of Directors meeting can be found here: