Last week United wrapped up a week's work of work on our landscaping to bring it back into a neatly manicured condition. Beds were edged and new mulch was applied throughout the property. A half-dozen dead trees were removed and replaced, along with more than 20 shrubs. Also, numerous bare and low spots in the lawns were filled-in with topsoil and seeded. While it isn't totally perfect, we are getting closer to the ideal and more work will be scheduled for this fall.
To enable the new grass seed to germinate and the new shrubs to thrive, I've added a 5 minute additional mid-day sprinkler cycle. However, the new shrubs and trees probably need an occasional deep watering that the sprinkler system cannot provide without drowning the other landscaping. Therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if you can take the new shrubs and trees that were planted near your unit "under your wing" for the next couple of weeks and give them an occasional long drink from your hose.