AUGUST 18th UPDATE: The new street sign posts were installed today along with the available sign plates (shown above is the new post and signs at the corner of Lexington West and Regent) . Because of an error on the part of the sign plate printer, some posts are missing one or both sign plates. The job will be finished as soon as the printer makes up the corrected sign plates.
The street signs which were ordered earlier this summer are scheduled for installation sometime during the week of August 10th. They will be installed where Lexington North intersects Regent, Watling and Lexington East. A sign will also be installed at the corner of Regent and Lexington West. Lack of signage has been an on-going problem for visitors and delivery trucks and could become a safety issue if it causes a delay in fire or police response. For whatever reason, the original developer never saw fit to place signage at those corners, so your Association will fund the installations.

With the recent arrival of warmer and humid weather, the dormant Dollar Spot fungus has reared its ugly brown spots (shown above, click to enlarge) in certain areas of the Manors. It is very expensive to apply fungicide, which may also require repeated applications to fully eradicate it, only to find that it has returned the following season. After consulting with our fertilizer contractor, we will try accelerating or adding to the fertilizing schedule to keep the grass roots healthy so they can recover instead of burning out. You can help by avoiding walking through infected areas, since the fungus can be spread by contact.