Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Central Park Master Association 2011 Annual Mtg.
2011 Budget - Central Park Master Association
Parcels along the Van Dyke entrance road that are subject to reimbursing the Association for 40% of our maintenance expenditures in that area (cost allocations shown were initial estimates and are outdated)
Ciena Skilled Nursing Facility rezoning request, east of our 22 Mile Rd. entrance
Lancaster at Central Park (former Kensington Phase 2 parcel) proposed revision to the Central Park Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Central Park Master Community
Manors Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 4/19/2011
Minutes of the April 19, 2011
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Manors at Central Park Condominium Association
1. Meeting began at 1:05 p.m.EDT; Quorum was established with two of the three Board Members being present on the conference call. Board Members present: Amanda Jacobson (Titanium), Mike Grobbel (Manors co-owner); Board Members absent: Casey Wendeln (Titanium). Also present: Ryan Dorner (Kramer-Triad property management)
2. Approved the agenda for this meeting.
3. There were no prior Board Meeting minutes to approve.
4. The Board officers for 2011 are:
a. President - Amanda Jacobson,
b. Treasurer – Casey Wendeln,
c. Secretary – Mike Grobbel
5. 2011 Budget; discussed the current amount and status of delinquencies; MOTION: approve and adopt the 2011 Budget as presented in Dec. 2010; Yeas: Jacobson, Grobbel. MOTION PASSED
6. There were no contracts needing Board approval at this time
7. Transparency Policy for Board Meeting decisions; It was agreed that the
a. Secretary will prepare a synopsis of Board Meeting discussions and decisions for the Minutes
b. Minutes will be published on the Manors blog at where they may be read by Manors co-owners.
c. Minutes will be marked “Unapproved” until approved by the Board Members.
8. Transitional control planning
a. The Association’s replacement reserve account must contain an amount greater than 10% of the annual budget expenses before the Transition Meeting can be held; based on the 2011 Budget, it must therefore contain at least $25,600 (current balance is about $750).
b. President Jacobson stated that the Carpenters Pension Trust Fund is willing to contribute no more than $10,000 into the replacement reserve account at the time of Transition. This leaves a shortfall of about $14,850 that will have to come from the Association’s revenues.
c. The Association’s 2011 Budget shows a favorable excess of revenue vs. budgeted expenses of $12,880. Knowing that our recent operations cash account balance has been adequate to conduct the Association’s business and assuming that our delinquency level does not grow during 2011, this is money that can be moved to the replacement reserve account as it accrues. MOTION: direct Kramer-Triad to begin making $1,000 monthly additions to the replacement reserve account, retroactive to Jan. 2011. Yeas: Jacobson, Grobbel. MOTION PASSED
d. Given $1,000 monthly additions to the replacement reserve account effective Jan. 2011, the earliest the account will contain the necessary $15,600 to enable Transition will be March 2012. This date can be moved earlier in direct correlation with how successful the Association is in collecting the current outstanding delinquencies, which totaled $10,500 as of March 31, 2011. President Jacobson stated that she and/or Treasurer Wendeln will attend the Transition Meeting when it is held.
e. President Jacobson stated that when the Board decides to levy an additional assessment to pay for the shortfall on the final layer asphalt paving project, the Carpenters Pension Trust Fund is willing to pay the per-unit additional assessment amount for each of their 47 units that have not been constructed. This commitment is independent of whether the additional assessment is levied before or after Transition and is based on the Board’s assumption that Shelby Twp. will contribute the full amount of the letter of credit they received in 2003 to guarantee the final paving.
9. There was no New Business to be discussed.
10. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for a conference call to begin at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Oct. 12, 2011.
11. Meeting was adjourned at 1:59 p.m. EDT.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Be on the lookout!

Skunks have been spotted in several different locations on the Manors grounds in recent weeks. The sightings have been around dusk in the rear yards between Lexington East and Watling and in the front yards along Regent. I don't know whether this is the same animal or different ones and in each case, the animal was walking out in the open.
I have spoken with the folks at "Critter Control" and for best results they need to know where the skunk's burrow is located so they can place their trap as close as possible to it. Otherwise, the trap is more likely to collect other harmless species such as rabbits.
If you spot a skunk on our grounds, please let me know when and where. Be particularly on the lookout for evidence of skunk activity, such as lawn damage where they have been searching for grubs and worms or holes under decks or near landscaping where they are creating shelter. Skunks are generally more active at night and retire to their den during the daylight hours, where the female raises her litter of kits that are typically born in the month of May.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Packard Proving Grounds "Spring Open House"
- Listen to the Johnny Trudell Orchestra
- Visit the Petting Zoo
- Ride the Firetruck and the Big Wheel (weather permitting)
- Admire the 200+ classic cars on display including those belonging to members of the Packard Club
- Bake Sale and Raffles all afternoon
- Gift Shop will be open for business
- Hot Dogs, Pop, Water and Chips will be available for purchase at a modest cost.
- Everything else is FREE, but they would never turn down a donation.
- Questions? Call 586-739-4800
Friday, April 1, 2011
April 20th meeting of the Central Park Master Association
The Central Park Master Association is the homeowners association for the entire Central Park planned unit development, which includes the Manors and Kensington Condos, along with the Meadows and Gardens single family subdivisions. The Association is responsible for maintaining the Central Park ring roads and streetlighting as well as all of the retention ponds and landscaping in the Community Areas. The Community Areas locations can be viewed by clicking on the "Exhibit C" link on this page).
The Central Park Master Association's 2011 Budget can be viewed here. All owners in the Central Park developments pay $190 per year to fund the Master Association's budget. The Manors Condo Association pays the annual $190 fee for all Manors co-owners from our budgeted revenues.
Each of the four developments in Central Park have the right to elect one representative to the Master Association's Board of Directors. The Board members serve staggered two-year terms and it's the Manors and Kensington Board member's terms that expire this year. I have already been nominated to run again and I believe that Ted McCoy also intends to run again for the Kensington spot on the Board.
All owners in the four Central Park developments are entitled to vote for the Manors and Kensington Board representatives. We need to have at least 35% of all the owners represented either in person at the meeting or by their General Proxy in order to legally hold the annual meeting and election. Currently, there is no other business to be voted on at the meeting, however it is possible that someone could bring up an issue from the floor that could be voted on that evening.
If we cannot obtain a quorum on the 20th, we will have to reschedule the meeting for another date and incur the additional cost of another mass mailing to notify everyone. Therefore, if there is the slightest possibility that you cannot attend the annual meeting on the 20th, please sign and return the General Proxy to Kramer-Triad so it will count towards the quorum. If it turns out that you can attend the meeting, your Proxy will be returned to you at the door when you sign-in.
Call me at 726-0317 if you have any questions about the General Proxy or if you would like me to take it to the meeting for you and save a stamp.
See you on the 20th!
Winter's finally over - I hope!
- I've found (4) broken sprinkler heads that will need replacement. Let me know if you spot any other broken heads that are not already marked with a green flag.
- I also tried replacing many of the pieces of turf that had been peeled back by the snowplow blades. If they don't green-up, the patches will be either seeded or sodded once we have the irrigation system turned on for the season.
- One of the "no-parking" sign posts on Lexington South was hit by the snow removal equipment and will need to be replaced.
- Numerous garage doors were scraped and dented by their pick-up snowplow driver. Instead of manually clearing the strip in front of the garage door, apparently the driver tried to drop the blade right next to the door but didn't allow for the pivoting motion and as a result he scraped and dented many of our doors.
- I agreed to replace the broken sprinkler heads so that I know the replacements will be the same brand as the others and that they will be installed slightly below grade so they won't be damaged again next year.
- I will provide him with the one-gallon can of exterior paint that our exterior painting contractor left with me last summer just for this sort of need. He will use it to paint the damaged/replaced portions of doors which were just painted last summer as part of the Phase 1 painting project. He will have all of the other doors repaired on Phase 2 units prior to the start of the Phase 2 exterior painting in May of this year.