Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Planning Commission Recommends Approval

UPDATED Feb. 13, 2009:
This request now moves to the Twp. Board of Trustees for their final approval at their meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2009.

At their Feb. 9, 2009 meeting, the Shelby Twp. Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Shelby Twp. Board of Trustees that Lombardo Homes' revised site Plan modification request be approved.

During his presentation, Greg Windingland of Lombardo Homes noted that there had been some changes made to the revised proposal they submitted on Jan. 23, 2009. He explained the changes and made the following comments and commitments:
  1. The units to be built under this revised proposal will be:
    a) a true ranch style, no one-and-a-half story options
    b) limited to just one floor plan, a 1,499 sq. ft. model (with basement) called the "Silverado" - the other two floor plans shown at our Jan. 21st meeting and mentioned in the Jan. 23rd letter have since been removed from the site plan modification request
    c) the "Silverado" will be offered with any of the four exterior elevations previously shown; Elevation "C" shows "false dormers" and there is no living space behind them; available exterior colors will be drawn from a palette that will be compatible with the Manors existing color and finish scheme and determined in conjunction with the Planning Dept.
  2. Mr. Windingland estimated that these units will sell in the $170K-175K price range
  3. because of the odd shape of two of the Lots 1-15, the "Silverado" will not fit within their building footprint; therefore, they are requesting that the site plan be modified to show a total of only (14) 44 foot wide lots, with seven lots on either side of Walter Ct.
  4. Lombardo Homes will not push for a creation of a separate condo association for these 14 units, they would remain as part of the Manors Condo Association; left open was the possibility that they would push for a change to the Manors Master Deed that would change the maintenance financial responsibility for these 14 units.
  5. Lombardo Homes is committed to building low-rise ranch clusters on Kensington's Walter and Stebbins Courts; these clusters will be similar to those that were first built at Kensington.
  6. the site plan will be revised to identify the sidewalk that will lead to Walter Court and the addition of refuse walkway pads between the access drive and Central Park North.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feb. 9th Planning Commission Meeting

The Shelby Township Planning Commission will meet at 7:00 PM on Monday, Feb. 9, 2009 to review the revised site plan modification request being submitted by Lombardo Homes.

Residents who received mailed agendas for previous Planning Commission meetings on this subject should have received a mailing this week advising them of the Feb. 9th meeting agenda. Within the next few days, I will distribute a "meeting notice" flyer to the front door of each occupied unit in the Manors at Central Park.

The petitioner's revised request is asking for permission to build detached, single-family, ranch-style condominiums on Lots 1-15 "that will reasonably match the character and appearance of the existing ranches in the Manors". Despite Mr. Sable's promise at our January 21st Annual Meeting, he still has not provided me with any additional information.

This will be the first chance for the Planning Commission to see and hear the petitioner's revised request. There will be an opportunity for public comment during the agenda item. It is possible that immediately following the petitioner's presentation and the public comment, the Planning Commission will move to forward a recommendation to the Township Board.