Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Co-owners
16 January 2013

A) Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the Shelby Township Municipal Building.
B) Introductions: Mike Grobbel (President of the Board) chaired the meeting and introduced Larry Cybulski (Treasurer of the Board), Bhartan Amin (Secretary of the Board), and Ryan Dorner (our Community Manager with Kramer-Triad Management Group, LLC, which is the Managing Agent hired by the Board of Directors).
C) Establishment of 35% Quorum: a sufficient number of co-owners were either present or represented by proxy to meet the quorum.
D) Vote to approve the 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes:  Moved by Gerald De Mara (49847 Lexington West) and seconded by Richard Hall (6803 N. Central Park).  Motion carried unanimously by a show of hands.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Where Does Your Recycling Go?


So you’ve decided to recycle. You proudly rinse out your cans, flatten your Cheerios boxes, toss those paper towel tubes into your green "We Recycle"  bin and roll it out to the curb for pick up. The giant truck comes by, some nice person picks it up and tosses it into the back of the truck …. And then what? Where does it go? Why is it that all of the sudden I can put all my recyclables into one bin when I spent the last decade meticulously separating my paper from plastic, my metal from my cardboard. Hold on to your horses, we’re off to see where your recycling goes…

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Annual Meeting

Our 2013 Annual Meeting is officially scheduled for Wednesday evening, Jan. 16, 2013 at the Shelby Twp. municipal building. Sign-in will begin at 6:30 PM and the meeting at 7:00 PM.

The main purpose of this meeting is to elect three co-owners to the Board of Directors. As of today, only three nomination ballots have been received. Each of the three current Board members have been nominated to run again: Bhartan Amin, Larry Cybulski and Mike Grobbel. Additional nominations can be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting, just prior to the voting.