Friday, November 20, 2015

Certificate of Insurance

How to obtain a Certificate of Insurance

As of April 2015, the condo association has a new insurance agency and coverage is now provided through the Maris-Brown Agency.  Therefore, there are new procedures for requesting a certificate of insurance that you or your lending institution may use.

  • E-mail:  send your request to and include your Unit number and street address, the banks name, fax and bank account numbers
  • Telephone:  call them at 1-855-266-3646.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Minutes of the 11-2-2015 Board Meeting


Minutes of the
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
November 2, 2015, 1:00 PM

  1. Called to Order at 1:00 PM; Board members in attendance: Mike Grobbel, Larry Cybulski, Ray Swiderski; also in attendance: Mike O’Brien (Casa Bella).
  2. The Meeting Agenda was approved with no changes.
  3. The Board approved the minutes of the Special Meeting of March 17, 2015
  4. New Business
    1. 2016 Budget – the Board reviewed the proposed budget and adjusted selected amounts to provide additional funds for grounds repair & maintenance, tree/shrub maintenance, exterior wood repair and road maintenance.
    2. The Board approved the adjusted budget for 2016:
                                                    i.     Monthly Association Fees remain same as 2015
                                                   ii.     Total Income of $318,840 based on 127 total units
                                                  iii.     Total Operating Expenses of $286,358
                                                  iv.     Total contributions to Replacement Reserve Account of $31,884  
    1. The Board agreed to publish a  newsletter and discussed its content
    2. The Board reviewed and approved a Welcoming Letter with slightly different version to be sent to new buyers of:
                                                    i.     Newly constructed condos (Units 35-157)
                                                   ii.     Existing condos (Units 15-167)
                                                  iii.     Existing site condos (Units 1-14)
    1. Set date, time and place for 2016 Annual Membership Meeting
                                                    i.     Wed. Jan. 27, 2016
                                                   ii.     Sign-in begins at 6:30 p.m.; meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
                                                  iii.     Board Room, Shelby Twp. Municipal Building
  1. Old Business – the Board discussed:
    1. Delinquencies
    2. Rental units
  2. Open Discussion – there were no items discussed
  3. Set next Board of Directors Regular Meeting date, time and place; the Board agreed
    1. to allow the president to call the next meeting
    2. that a meeting will probably be needed to be held in early January 2016
  4. The meeting was adjourned at 2:42 p.m.