Friday, May 21, 2010

Why don't they just park on the lawn?

It's even closer to the front door - and then maybe the rest of us could use our sidewalks for their intended purpose!

Seriously, now that parking is only permitted on one side of the street, there is no reason for anyone to park with their tires on the sidewalk. Courtesy violation notices have been routinely ignored, so from now on "sidewalk parkers" will receive a formal violation notice, with fines assessed for subsequent violations.

And what's up with all the parking on the empty lots? The Bylaws clearly state that co-owners have exclusive use of their garage and driveway for parking their vehicles. That provides four parking spaces per unit. The Bylaws further state that "each co-owner shall park his vehicle in the garage.... provided therefore" and that "at no time shall a parked vehicle be located on any sidewalk, landscaped area or empty lot". We have plenty of on-street parking available for the use of co-owners and their guests, so "field parkers" can also expect to receive a formal violation notice.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maple Tree Infestation

Some of the silver maples along the walkway behind the units on Lexington East have leaves that are covered with red bumps. These bumps are called "galls" and are caused by the Maple Bladder Gall Mite. More information about the mites and the galls they produce can be read here and here, but the bottom line is that this is a cosmetic problem and they are highly unlikely to harm the trees. Therefore, I do not plan to spend any budget money or take any actions to control them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Exterior Painting

Our exterior painting contractor began work this past Monday. Their first step is to identify, remove and replace all deteriorated wooden trim. These trim pieces have been marked with an orange paint stripe and they will be returning to remove them and install new trim pieces, which will then be painted with a primer before work begins on repainting the exterior of the affected units.

Removal and replacement of the deteriorated trim is a noisy task. Please bear with us while this vital work is performed.

The first 46 Units on this list will be painted this summer. The contractor will decide the actual order in which they will be completed. The contractor will return next year to work on the 47th through 105th Units on that list.