Thursday, December 8, 2016

Electrical outage

Electrical power was lot to some of the units on Watling, Regent and Lexington East this morning from 11:20 am until it was restored by DTE at 12:55 pm. The outage was caused by the bricklayers working at a unit on Watling when they backed their equipment into a transformer in the rear yard.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting, Nov. 16, 2016

Manors at Central Park Condominium Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Co-owners 
Shelby Twp. Municipal Building “Board Room” 
Nov. 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM

A) Meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M.

B) Introductions: Mike Grobbel (President), Ray Swiderski (Secretary), Larry Cybulski (Treasurer), Mike O’Brien (Casa Bella Property Mgmt.)

C) Established Quorum

D) Motion to approve the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting as presented (moved: Heinz Buechel, seconded: Kevin O’Connor); motion passed.

E) Board of Directors Election: (2) openings to be filled via election, 3rd opening has been filled by the Developer (Dominic Geric), per the rights given the Developer in Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph (c) of our Condominium Bylaws.

(3) candidates were nominated from the floor:
      1) Larry Cybulski (moved: Ray Swiderski, seconded: Heinz Buechel)
      2) Larry Norman (moved: Larry Cybulski, seconded: Jan Despres)
      3) Mark D’Amico (moved: Rita Bonanni, seconded: Don Dereadt)

Voting - each ballot could be voted in favor of no more than two of the three candidates

Election results – Larry Cybulski and Larry Norman were the top-two vote recipients and will serve one-year terms on the Board. Dominic Geric (or his representative) is entitled to Board membership as long as he has at least 17 new units for sale.

F) Board of Directors report

2017 budget – monthly dues are unchanged from 2016; planned expenditures are the same except for increases due to (16) more new units; planned expenditures are based on assumption that the Association will be reimbursed for 2016 expenses to repair damages caused by new construction, if not, lawn watering frequency will have to be cut back in 2017.

Conversion from city water to well water for all Manors lawn irrigation – the Board of Directors discussed the cost and savings available to the Association by drilling three water wells and thus eliminating the need to purchase water from Shelby Twp.; feedback from the members indicated that regardless of the savings, they do not want to use well water for lawn irrigation because of the potential for staining of buildings and concrete caused by the high iron content of the groundwater, as evident at the nearby Kensington Condos.

G) Open Discussion – (7) members volunteered their services when needed by the Board

H) Motion to Adjourn the Meeting (moved: Heinz Buechel, seconded: Joel Ozment); motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 P.M.