Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dec. 16th - Township Board to decide on the Lombardo Request

On Tuesday, Dec. 16th at 7:00 PM, the Shelby Twp. Board of Trustees will make their decision on the Lombardo Homes request to build two-story units instead of one-story ranch units on Manors Lots 1-15. While this is not a formal public hearing like the Planning Commission held, Mr. Wynn, (the Shelby Twp. Planning Director) assures me that the public will be permitted to speak during this agenda item prior to the Board making their decision.

Click here to view a web page with the meeting agenda, plus the background information that has been prepared for the Township Board members.

This weekend, I plan to distribute copies of this flyer to every door of the Manors with the details about this meeting.