Friday, June 12, 2009

Change to lawn mowing schedule

The owner of GM LawnPro and I met earlier this week to discussed the cutting height and mowing frequency. He will raise the cutting height on his lawn mowers beginning with the next mowing.

He said that he is seeing unnaturally slow growth of the lawns both here at the Manors and at his other clients, which he attributes to the cool wet weather we had in early spring that has remained cool but with less rain.
He proposed - and I accepted - a reduced frequency of cutting until the lawn growth rate returns to normal. He will make his next cut on Tuesday June 16th and the next one 10 days after that (Friday June 26th) - and so on - until we agree that the growth rate has recovered and requires mowing on a normal 7 day cycle. If we finish the growing season with less than the 26 contracted mowings, we will receive a credit.