Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Central Park Master Association Annual Meeting

The Central Park Master Association is holding the Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday night, April 18, 2012 at the Shelby Twp. Municipal Building, beginning at 7:00 PM.

The purpose of this meeting will be to elect a representative from each of the Gardens and Meadows sub-associations to a new, two-year term on the Board of Directors.  The meeting notice letter you received incorrectly stated in the second paragraph that you could nominate a fellow co-owner for either the Manors or Kensington sub-associations. It should have read that members of the Gardens and Meadows sub-associations may nominate a fellow co-owner to run for a two-year term on the Board.  The enclosed nominating ballot correctly identifies the sub-associations which have the right to nominate their co-owners for this election.

At the annual meeting, members of all four sub-associations (Gardens, Meadows, Manors and Kensington) will be able to cast their vote to elect a representative from each of the Gardens and Meadows.  If you will be unable to attend the meeting, please fill out the General Proxy form you received with the mailing and either mail it in per the instructions or give it to a neighbor or Board member.  This will enable us to achieve a meeting quorum and also allow your designated proxy to vote on your behalf.

Please note that Sgt. Ken Cazabon of the Shelby Twp. Police Department will give a presentation on property crime prevention at the very beginning of the annual meeting.  He says that he will also present some crime statistics comparing the Central Park community with other areas of the Township.