Thursday, June 21, 2012

Invoices from Rizzo Services

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This newsletter that we all received from Rizzo Services states that, "The billing process has not changed......"  yet for the first time, residents of the Manors at Central Park are now being individually invoiced for solid waste collection.

Previously, the Association received a single invoice from Allied Waste/Republic and paid the quarterly bill for all 118 units.

Kramer-Triad has contacted Rizzo Services to  understand why the billing process was changed for co-owners of the Manors and will try to get it reversed.  According to Ryan Dorner, our community manager at K-T,  the response from the folks at Rizzo's office in Sterling Heights has been, "they have their own query in and will let us know “When they find out”.

As soon as we have an answer, I will post the information here.  The Board will also distribute a flyer to the front door of each unit to confirm whether or not we were successful in getting Rizzo's billing process reversed so that the Association continues paying the solid waste collection fees for all units.

In the meantime, I would check back here and hold off for a few days before sending any payment to Rizzo Services.