Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Phase 1 of the paving project is set to begin

Florence Cement is our paving contractor and they were on-site today to place paint markings at the locations of all work that must be performed prior to the paving of the final layer of asphalt.  This Phase 1 work includes the removal and replacement of cracked concrete curbs, the removal and resetting of selected catch basin covers and cutting out damaged areas of the base layer of asphalt and replacing it with new asphalt.

They will be on-site again this coming Saturday, Sept. 22nd (weather permitting) to video tape the Phase 1 work locations and the existing pavement.

The Phase 1 work is tentatively planned to begin during the week of Sept. 24th (weather permitting).    This work will only involve localized traffic restrictions for short periods of time.  However, to allow the workers sufficient access the areas to be repaired, please do not park your vehicle in the street near or across from any of the paint markings until after the work is completed.

Once all of the Phase 1 work is completed, Florence Cement will enter our final asphalt layer paving project (Phase 2) into their schedule, which is always subject to change due to the weather.  They will give us a "heads up" and we will share the Phase 2 scheduling information as it becomes available.  However the actual date for Phase 2 paving will be announced 24 to 48 hours in advance, at which time the Board will place a notice on every door informing you of the paving date and parking requirements for that day. All of our Phase 2 paving will take place during a single day.  In case of rain, the Phase 2 paving will be delayed by one day.

Phase 3 involves crack filling and seal coating the short stretches of pavement on Lexington South and the access drive on North Central Park (near where the sales models had been) that received its final layer back in 2005.  The Phase 3 work can be performed independently of the other two phases.

If the weather cooperates, we should have Phases 1, 2 and 3 completed by the second or third week of October.