Friday, July 20, 2012

95 gal. green recycling carts

I believe that yesterday everyone in the Manors received a new, 95 gal. green recycling cart.  Note that this cart is not to be used for trash, only recyclables (a list of accepted items for recycling can be found here).

I spoke with a customer service rep at Rizzo this morning and here is what Manors residents need to know.

  • Even though we are a multi-family sub and the Association pays the bill quarterly for all the addresses, all residents at our individual addresses qualify to receive a 95 gal. green recycling cart.  If you did not receive a cart and want one, call Rizzo Customer Care at 1-866-772-8900.
  • if a resident at one of our addresses doesn't want to make room in their garage and use the 95 gal. recycling cart, they may call Rizzo Customer Care at 1-866-772-8900 and ask to have it picked up.  Rizzo will still allow them to use the 18 gal. blue bins for their recyclables.
  • even though individual residents do not have a billing account with Rizzo, their street address is on-line at and they may register at that web site to become eligible for recycling incentives.  Once they have activated their rewards account, a RFID chip embedded in their cart will cause their account to be updated with the date each time the Rizzo truck empties their cart.  This incentive program rewards consistent and frequent recycling efforts with ongoing access to local offers of value.
  • The Board asks that all trash and recycling containers be stored inside your garage except on collection day (exceptions made during the next week or two if you are returning the cart and leaving it outside your garage for Rizzo to retrieve)  
From more information, click here to visit the Shelby Twp. Waste Service web site.