Monday, November 5, 2012

Paving Update - November 5th

Duane at Florence Cement has informed me that our new "tentative" date for the final paving is this coming Friday, Nov. 9th. 

He and I will confirm that date during a phone conversation on Wednesday afternoon.  Duane says that barring a breakdown at the asphalt plant, a machinery failure, or a change in the current weather forecast between now and the Wednesday afternoon call, he is confident that it will still be a "go" for Friday.  Assuming that our phone conversation confirms that it is still a "go" for Friday, the Board will then place a notice on every front door in the Manors announcing Friday as the firm paving date (and for those who are in my e-mail address book, I will also put out another e-mail blast and make a post here on the Manors Blog announcing Friday as the firm paving date) 

The only firm date for the final paving is the one that will be shown on the forthcoming notice that will be placed on every front door in the Manors.  That notice will also include parking and courtesy shuttle information.  Click here to read the contents of the forthcoming notice.