Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tree-planting activity along our berm

As I'm sure you are aware, there are many gaps in the tree line atop the berm that runs along the north and west perimeter of our property.  The gaps are where dead trees have been removed in past years and not replaced because of budget constraints. The Board is also aware that more trees will be dying in the coming years.  That is because some of the original trees did not have the supporting tree ties and stakes removed a year or two after being planted and the ties have recently begun strangling the upper half of the trees to the point where they cannot be saved.  Also, some of the Blue Spruce trees here at the Manors have been infected with rhizosphaera needle cast and phomopsis canker.  Our budget can only support the cost of fungicide treatments to the Blue Spruce trees in our side yards, so the ones on the berm will have to remain "at-risk".

Therefore, at their Sept. 28, 2012 meeting, the Board of Directors authorized the purchase and installation of 100 young evergreen trees along the top of the berm, provided we could get volunteer labor to plant them. We were able to purchase (50) Norway Spruce and (50) White Spruce trees at a total cost of $280, including fertilizer tablet and root dip.  These are bare-root, 4 year old trees with a minimum height of 2 feet.

mature Norway Spruce

mature White Spruce

The tree-planting process began on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, when two of your Board members rented a Toro "Dingo" from Metropolitan Rental Co. (total cost: $213.69; $198.00 for the rental and $15.69 for gas).  It took us only six hours to drill all 100 holes in preparation for the tree plantings, which will take place over the next couple of day as the weather permits.

When the project is complete, we will have the beginnings of a fuller tree line at a cost of less than $5 per tree.

10/26/2012 UPDATE: The last of the trees were planted on Oct. 21st.   Since then, deer/rabbit repellant has been purchased and applied to the new trees.  Final cost was $543.